1. How does SFN work?

SFN is a streaming web-based platform that showcases the talented filmmakers of New Mexico. You can submit to SFN in two ways:

A) Full-length Project: If you would like your Media Project to play in its entirety on SFN, you may submit a link for us to screen from YouTube, Vimeo, VHX, etc. If you film is chosen by our screening committee to play on SFN, you will be sent a Presentation Agreement to sign, which states that you have the rights to submit the film and that you’ve gotten all rights and clearances to your music, interviews, locations, etc., and that we may use your marketing materials to market your film and SFN. Once we receive that signed agreement, we will embed the YouTube, Vimeo or other compatible player onto the SFN site, which will grant the public free streaming access to the film.

B) Trailer and Link: If your Media Project is available for sale (or streaming through a subscription service) online, and you would like SFN to play the trailer and point viewers to a link to purchase or screen the film elsewhere, you may submit just the trailer and link. However, our screening committee will still need to watch the film, so please do include a screening link (and password if necessary) for internal use only. If your film is chosen for placement on SFN, you will be sent a Presentation Agreement to sign. Once we have received the signed agreement, we will place the trailer on SFN with a link to where the film may be viewed, granting the public free access to stream the trailer.


2. Where can I read the Presentation Agreement?

The Presentation Agreements are posted on the “Choose Your Submission Type” page, please take note of which method of submission you will be selecting.


3. Is there a fee to submit?

There is no cost submit to SFN.


4. If I submit my film, am I signing over any copyrights?

No, you are only agreeing to the terms set forth in the appropriate Presentation Agreement. (See FAQ #1)


5. Is there a run-time limit?

There is no limit to the run time for any submission.


6. Will I make any money if my film is accepted?

At this time there is no compensation for filmmakers submitting to SFN, because the SFN business model focuses on bringing production jobs to filmmakers through awareness of their talents, rather than charging the public to view the films or placing advertising on our site. If this model changes in the future, filmmakers will be offered compensation as it becomes available.


7. Do you accept R and X rated films? 

We will not accept Media Projects with gratuitous violence or sex, (no x rated films), but we do not require films to be rated in order to submit. The site is intended for all ages, so please keep that in mind when choosing which projects to submit.


8. Will submitting to SFN disqualify me from submitting to film festivals?

Some festivals will not program films that are available for free online. Please check festival guidelines before you submit to SFN. You may want to wait until your festival run is complete to offer your film for free public access through SFN.


9. If my film is not accepted, will you tell me why?

If your Media Project is not accepted for posting on SFN, you will receive an email letting you know that the screening committee has passed on your film for the present round of programming, but the letter will not detail why the film wasn’t accepted. However, we will keep your film’s submission on record and may be reconsidered for future programming.


10. I didn’t get any release forms or contracts from the people that worked on my film. Is that ok?

No, you will need to have all your clearances in place in order to screen your Media Project on SFN, and will need to sign a Presentation Agreement that confirms you have all the necessary clearances.


11. Do you accept trailers? TV Pilots?

Yes! SFN accepts all forms of Media Projects, and will play trailers or full programs, as submitted by the filmmaker. (See FAQ #1)


12. Is there any genre you don’t accept?

We accept all genres of Media Projects, including new media, experimental, dance, animation, shorts, features, documentaries, etc.


13. Do I have to be a New Mexico Resident to submit? If yes what type of proof is required.

Media Projects may be submitted as long as a principal filmmaker on the project is a past or present New Mexico resident, or the project was shot in New Mexico. Only your word is required, but we may check up on you.


 14. What if I shot my film outside of New Mexico?

If one of the principal filmmakers (writer, director, producer, DP) is a current resident or is from New Mexico, you may submit to SFN for consideration.


15. Can I submit more than one film at a time?

Yes, but you will need to fill out a new submission form for each film.


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